How is the Travel Fee calculated?

The travel fee is calculated from our home base addresses in each of our markets.

Market Address
St. Paul, MN Clayland Pl, St Paul, MN 55104
Austin, TX 500 E. Cesar Chaves St. Austin, TX, 78701
Cleveland, OH 601 Lakeside Ave. Cleveland, Ohio, 44114
Dallas, TX 1500 Marilla St. Dallas, TX, 75201
Denver, CO 200 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO, 80203
Detroit, MI 26000 Evergreen Rd. Southfield, MI, 48076
Houston, TX 1000 Bagby Street, Houston, TX, 77002
Indianapolis, IN 200 E. Washington St. Indianapolis, IN, 46204
Kansas City, MO 414 E. 12 St. Kansas City, MO, 64106
Nashville, TN 592 S. 1st Street, Nashville, TN, 37213
Philadelphia, PA 1301 Filbert St. Philadelphia, PA, 19107
Pittsburgh, PA 414 Grant St. Pittsburgh, PA, 15219
Phoenix, AZ 200 Washington St. Pheonix, AZ, 85003
Raleigh, NC 222 W. Hargett St. Raleigh, NC, 27601
Seattle, WA 600 4th Ave. Seattle, WA, 98104
  • The address is calculated on Google Maps from the miles to your ceremony venue. If your artists are only needed at your reception venue, the miles will be calculated from there.
  • For events in Denver, CO or Seattle, WA: If your venue is located over 25 miles from the center point of the city, your travel fee will be $1.31 per mile from the center point of the city to your venue's address. The fee goes directly to your photographer for their gas, mileage and time. If your venue is over 75 miles from the city center, we do require an overnight lodging stipend of $150 for the safety of your artist(s) since they will be working a long day.
  • For events in all other Bellagala locations: If your venue is located over 40 miles from the center point of the city, your travel fee will be $1.31 per mile from the center point of the city to your venue's address. The fee goes directly to your photographer for their gas, mileage and time. If your venue is over 100 miles from the city center, we do require an overnight lodging stipend of $150 for the safety of your artist(s) since they will be working a long day.
  • If you venue is less than 40 miles from our home base addresses in your market, there is no travel fee placed on your service's balance. Any venue that is 40 miles or more, the services will be charged $1.31 per mile, starting at mile 1. 
    • Example: If your location is 51 miles from our home base address, your travel fee is $66.81 per artist.
    • Example: If your location is 37 miles from our home base address, you do not have a travel fee. 
    • Example: if your location is 125 miles from our home base address, your travel fee is $163.75 + $150.00 ($313.75) lodging fee per artist.
  • The fee will be placed on your account at the time of the booking if you purchased through the Deposit & Payment Schedule option. If you do not have a venue at that point or paid via card, we will send you an invoice for the fee.